Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Buice Road Connection….               

If you drive around our area you might get the impression that the real estate market has really softened up lately.  If you keep seeing some of the same houses still for sale, or the for sale signs just going away, and you can definitely get the impression that nothing is happening.  Well that’s not exactly true. After the mad dash of summer there has been a little seasonal slowing of the pace heading into the fourth quarter.  But there were still 8 closings in September and there are 5 deals pending right now, so there is still some action out there.

Something that affects our sales here in the Buice Road corridor that many don’t realize is the competition from new construction homes.  I am not necessarily referring to the $800,000 homes being built, and sold by the way, right here on Buice.  I am referring the new homes being built in South Forsyth County.  That’s where those home buyers with a $400 – $600,000 budget are going to compare homes with ours.  We have great schools here, but so does South Forsyth.  If your home is not keeping up with the competition from new homes you are really going to be up against it trying to get full value for your home when the time comes to sell.  Call me anytime and I’ll come by and give you the rundown on what the new homes have to offer and what economical steps you can take to insure that your home will be competitive when the time comes to sell. 

Buice Road Stats
2014 through Sept 30                                             2015 through Sept 30
Sales – 49                                                               Sales – 44
Low price - $318,000                                               Low price - $392,500
High Price - $2,750,000                                           High Price - $1,850,000

Other key points of interest:
 In 2014 there were several sales in the $300’s; in 2015 there has been one.
There are currently 23 active listings in the corridor, that is about a 6 month supply of houses which is a balanced inventory and reflective of a healthy housing market.
Doublegate has had 12 homes sales this year, after selling 22 through September in 2014
Oxford Mill has had 10 home sales this year, after selling 7 through September 2014

Remember that now is the time to consider what steps to take to prepare your home to give you the maximum return on your investment.  Call me anytime, I can help…